Through this campaign, we wish to deliver one key message. ASP is dangerous and it has already endangered and will continue to endanger the health of the Balingian people and the delicate balance of ecosystem if it is not terminated. It is also part of our goals to draw more attention from the general public, especially Malaysian citizens, so that they also take up the responsibility to urge the government to stop and ban ASP in Malaysia.
You might question what ASP is and why we are making such hoo-ha out of it. ASP is the short form for Aluminium Smelting Plant. Aluminium smelting is the process of extracting aluminium from oxide alumina, usually through the Hall-Héroult process. The building of ASP has numerous bad consequences.
In order for aluminium smelters to function, an exceptionally large amount of electricity is needed. In Sarawak where hydropower is ample, hydroelectric dams are built to supply the power. Apparently, dams are destroying Sarawak's natural environment. Several thousand square kilometres of land in Sarawak has suffered from irreparable damage! Moreover, the life span of a dam is approximately a mere 50 years, a so-called renewable energy which is not exactly sustainable.
Secondly, ASP is endangering the local inhabitant’s health. Several videos posted online show that Balingian people have witnessed the impact of the establishment of such plant—Noticeable increase in the number of children getting sick, plants dying, and dwindling number of fish, etc.
Besides, the waste product produced by ASP would cause pollution. If the alarmingly hazardous waste product-- fluoride waste were handled without caution, i.e. being channelled into the river, container leakage, etc, the locals who live off the river will suffer. And with the welcoming arms that our Sarawak government give to ASP project, it is only a matter of time that the whole Sarawak will be affected.
All of the above lead to two requests that we wish to address to our government. First, we urge Malaysia government and Sarawak state government to stop and ban ASP in Malaysia. Second, we urge Sarawak state government to further investigate the health and environment issues that are arisen in Balingian and reveal these reports to the public.
To support our campaign, please ‘like’ our page Stop ASP in Facebook (
Thank you.
Stop ASP People Movement,
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